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Chinese university to tag 300,000 library items



     The recently merged RFID tag and inlay manufacturer UPM Raflatac has entered into an agreement with Shanghai RFID System Technology to provide its RFID tags to Jimei University Library in Xiamen, China - an agreement covering the supply of some 300,000 RFID tags.

     The new RFID system being deployed for Jimei University Library will help the library automate the borrowing and returning of library items, thereby reducing queuing times and theft. This article is copyright 2006 UsingRFID.com.

     RFID technology will also speed up the sorting of library items, which will result in items being returned to the shelves quicker. Inventory is made much faster and easier by simply passing the RFID reader along the bookshelves.

More libraries to come
     Rafsec''s tags are designed specially for RFID library applications. Edward Lu, business development director (Asia) for UPM Raflatac''s RFID business, said: "We''re excited to be taking part in this large-scale RFID library project. We have been supplying RFID tags for library applications for many years in many parts of Asia but the technology is just starting take hold in China. Our collaboration with Shanghai RFID System Technology will permit us to expand our presence significantly in this rapidly growing market."

     Jimei University Library will move to phase two of the implementation in the second half of 2006, with more RFID implementations also to be conducted in other libraries throughout the campus.




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